bound molecule中文什么意思

发音:   用"bound molecule"造句
  • bound:    adj. 〔作述语用〕 1.开往(某 ...
  • molecule:    n. 【物、化】分子;克分子;〔口语 ...
  • at a bound:    一跃, 一跳
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  1. Constructing a phage - displayed random combinatorial library of single domains of immunoglobulin - binding molecules
  2. Effect of yiqi huayu recipe on peanut agglutinin - binding molecules and schwann ' s cells in rats after lumbar nerve root compression
  3. Such alternatives to immunoglobulins represent attractive starting points for the design of novel binding molecules for research and clinical applications
  4. Significant progress has been made not only in the basic science of generating specific binding molecules , but also in applications of the selected binders in laboratory procedures , proteomics , diagnostics and therapy
  5. We research on the carbon dioxide dimers ( c2h and c2v ) by dft too . the results indicate that dissociation energies is kjmol - 1 and intermolecular vibration frequencies are small of both carbon dioxide dimers ( cah and civ ) . therefore we prove that the carbon dioxide dirners are weakly bound molecule indeed
    采用量子化学计算手段,我们研究了co _ 2二聚体( dimer ) ,证实了co _ 2二聚体确实是弱结合分子,因而在超临界状态下co _ 2具有很强的动力学特征。


  1. bound mode 什么意思
  2. bound modes 什么意思
  3. bound module 什么意思
  4. bound moisture 什么意思
  5. bound moisture surface 什么意思
  6. bound moleeule 什么意思
  7. bound morpheme 什么意思
  8. bound niacin 什么意思
  9. bound nitrogen 什么意思
  10. bound nitrogen analyzer 什么意思


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